Easter Concrete provides stamped concrete driveways in several colors and designs to create an eye-catching path. Stamped concrete can resemble bricks, giving your home a sophisticated boost to curb appeal. For something different, scrollwork and artistic patterns are available. You can match or contrast your home’s paint job to the color of your driveway. If you have a backyard patio, concrete porch or garden walkway, the options for creating a congruous look increase. Stamped concrete also provides skid protection for the icy months. Your driveway will not only be easy on the eyes—it will be safer, too.If you are not looking for a brand new driveway, but your current drive is cracked and ugly, stamped concrete is a great way to repair damage while increasing your curb appeal. We apply a coat of concrete over the cracks, along with a special resin. We can then stamp whichever design you choose over the problem area. This solves the issue of cracks, while increasing the aesthetic appeal of your home.
Whether you seek an artistic driveway for a new home, or simply wish to fix unsightly cracks, stamped concrete driveways provide an eye-catching solution. Easter Concrete has the expertise to get the job done to your satisfaction. Increase your curb appeal affordably, and revel in the beauty of a unique and beautiful driveway.
Water damage is one of the leading causes of concrete foundation deterioration. Here are some tips to help protect your concrete foundation against water damage..
Discover the differences between poured concrete and concrete block foundations. Explore the pros and cons of each and decide which is best for your project.
Explore various driveway options such as concrete, asphalt, & pavers. Learn their advantage, maintenance requirement, & visual appeal to select the ideal one.
At Easter Concrete Contracting, we're large enough to handle all your concrete and construction needs with expertise and experience, yet small enough to value and appreciate each individual project
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